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Platform Project 3

Experimenting phase


Drawing experiments

During the experimenting phase of our project we followed our curiosity and tested many different ways of drawing. This also included forms of hyper-drawing such as oscilloscope music-drawing and laser drawing captured by high exposure photography.

While experimenting we kept asking ourselves certain questions to evaluate each drawing form and to decide which one would fit the robot and which one would not. Questions such as would this drawing medium fit the nature of the robot? What kind of associations and metaphors does this medium evoke? Is this medium transparent enough or does it create another black box?

Concept experiments

We also experimented with different assignments we could give the three robots. These assignments are different ways the robots can communicate, interact and/or learn from each other. 

One of these experiments is visible in the video shown here. In this 'game' the assignment was to stay alive as long as possible by keeping your paint brush on the paper without crossing any other lines. When someone would selfishly cut someone else off this would eventually also have bad consequences for themselves since the game would end more quickly. Eventually all participants start working together and putting their line as close to the line of their predecessor to have the longest drawing-life.

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