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Visuals PKB final-02.png

Artwork of
the Day



Visuals PKB final-04.JPG


A team member selects an artwork and prepares a short presentation, offering insights about its concept, techniques, artist, and historical context. This discussion fosters curiosity and constructive dialogue.



Creativity can stagnate due to routine. Starting the day with an inspiring artwork refreshes the mind and introduces new perspectives, which can lead to unexpected insights.


Step 1:        The team manager creates a schedule to ensure everyone has a



Step 2:       At the scheduled time, a team member presents their chosen

                    artwork, explaining its background and significance.

Step 3:       The group responds with questions, associations, and

                    observations, facilitating an open conversation.


Step 4:      Document all artworks in a physical or digital gallery, such as

                   Notion, to build a shared resource for future inspiration.​

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